My Favorite Bookstore

I re-visited today was amazed how that website has taken off. Not only are their some good reads mainly of the titles are Free. “Free as in Beer”, Linux people say.

Great books by Jeff Leek or Roger Peng from Johns Hopkins Uni. for free. Books on machine learning and coding. This publisher has become a Technical bookstore stop. has the highest rate of return for authors. LeanPub also allows one to write in Markdown, which is one the easiest and most fun computer pseudo-languages out there. Being an R enthusiast, I am able to write Markdown and RMarkdown inside RStudio IDE and present nice text as well as Latex type.

But that is not all, the LeanPub site has grown to NOW include Podcasts, called Frontmatter Podcasts from the authors of the books that are published on the site.

If another Podcast is enough to bore you then why not take a LeanPub Courses by the same authors you just bought your new book from. Some courses are free while others are $10 or $15.

I highly recommend Leanpub.